Kansas Christian College at Haskell
@ Lawrence KS
9/13/2022 at 3:00 PM

Final 1 2 3 Score
Kansas Christian College (0-1, 4) 11 13 15 0
Haskell (3-0, 6) 25 25 25 3
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd
  KANSAS C starters: Daria Korovina; Latresa Saunders; Brendeja Holloman; Sidnee Bergqiust; Layne Shirley; Layla Dixon.  
  HASKELL starters: Maria Stewart; Tilda Hubbell; Hannah Poorman; Mikeya Sheppard; Justine Butterfield; Mary Big Horn.  
[Nakooma Pelt] Attack error by Layla Dixon. Point HASKELL 0-1
[Nakooma Pelt] Kill by Justine Butterfield (from Maria Stewart). Point HASKELL 0-2
[Nakooma Pelt] Attack error by Layla Dixon. Point HASKELL 0-3
[Nakooma Pelt] Kill by Tilda Hubbell (from Maria Stewart). Point HASKELL 0-4
1-4 [Nakooma Pelt] Service error. Point KANSAS C
2-4 [Daria Korovina] Kill by Brendeja Holloman (from Layne Shirley). Point KANSAS C
3-4 [Daria Korovina] Attack error by Justine Butterfield. Point KANSAS C
[Daria Korovina] Kill by Mikeya Sheppard (from Maria Stewart). Point HASKELL 3-5
[Mikeya Sheppard] Attack error by Latresa Saunders. Point HASKELL 3-6
[Mikeya Sheppard] Attack error by Brendeja Holloman. Point HASKELL 3-7
[Maria Stewart] Kill by Hannah Poorman (from Maria Stewart). Point HASKELL 3-8
4-8 [Mikeya Sheppard] Service error. Point KANSAS C
5-8 [Layla Dixon] Kill by Brendeja Holloman (from Daria Korovina). Point KANSAS C
6-8 [Layla Dixon] Kill by Brendeja Holloman (from Daria Korovina). Point KANSAS C
[Layla Dixon] Service error. Point HASKELL 6-9
7-9 [Aysa Benally] Kill by Brendeja Holloman (from Daria Korovina). Point KANSAS C
8-9 [Brendeja Holloman] Bad set by Maria Stewart. Point KANSAS C
[Brendeja Holloman] Service error. Point HASKELL 8-10
[Justine Butterfield] Service ace (Layla Dixon). Point HASKELL 8-11
[Justine Butterfield] Kill by Hannah Poorman (from Maria Stewart). Point HASKELL 8-12
9-12 [Justine Butterfield] Kill by Latresa Saunders (from Layne Shirley). Point KANSAS C
[Layne Shirley] Kill by Hannah Poorman (from Maria Stewart). Point HASKELL 9-13
[Hannah Poorman] Attack error by Larencea Doles. Point HASKELL 9-14
[Hannah Poorman] Bad set by Daria Korovina. Point HASKELL 9-15
10-15 [Hannah Poorman] Service error. Point KANSAS C
[Latresa Saunders] Kill by Mikeya Sheppard (from Maria Stewart). Point HASKELL 10-16
[Maria Stewart] Attack error by Sidnee Bergqiust (block by Mary Big Horn). Point HASKELL 10-17
[Maria Stewart] Attack error by Sidnee Bergqiust. Point HASKELL 10-18
  Timeout Kansas Christian Col.  
[Maria Stewart] Service ace (Layne Shirley). Point HASKELL 10-19
[Maria Stewart] Service ace (Team). Point HASKELL 10-20
[Maria Stewart] Kill by Mary Big Horn (from Maria Stewart). Point HASKELL 10-21
[Maria Stewart] Kill by Mary Big Horn. Point HASKELL 10-22
[Maria Stewart] Kill by Mikeya Sheppard (from Maria Stewart). Point HASKELL 10-23
[Maria Stewart] Attack error by Layla Dixon. Point HASKELL 10-24
[Sidnee Bergqiust] Bad set by Daria Korovina. Point HASKELL 11-25
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1-0 [Daria Korovina] Attack error by Amaya Harris. Point KANSAS C
[Daria Korovina] Attack error by Layla Dixon (block by Maria Stewart). Point HASKELL 1-1
[Maria Stewart] Service ace (Sidnee Bergqiust). Point HASKELL 1-2
[Maria Stewart] Service ace (Team). Point HASKELL 1-3
2-3 [Maria Stewart] Kill by Brendeja Holloman (from Daria Korovina). Point KANSAS C
3-3 [Layla Dixon] Kill by Latresa Saunders (from Daria Korovina). Point KANSAS C
[Layla Dixon] Service error. Point HASKELL 3-4
[Nakooma Pelt] Kill by Amaya Harris (from Maria Stewart). Point HASKELL 3-5
[Nakooma Pelt] Kill by Maria Stewart (from Nakooma Pelt). Point HASKELL 3-6
[Nakooma Pelt] Attack error by Brendeja Holloman. Point HASKELL 3-7
4-7 [Nakooma Pelt] Attack error by Tilda Hubbell. Point KANSAS C
[Brendeja Holloman] Service error. Point HASKELL 4-8
5-8 [Mikeya Sheppard] Kill by Latresa Saunders (from Sidnee Bergqiust). Point KANSAS C
[Layne Shirley] Kill by Justine Butterfield (from Maria Stewart). Point HASKELL 5-9
[Aysa Benally] Service ace (Larencea Doles). Point HASKELL 5-10
[Aysa Benally] Kill by Justine Butterfield (from Maria Stewart). Point HASKELL 5-11
6-11 [Aysa Benally] Kill by Latresa Saunders (from Daria Korovina). Point KANSAS C
[Latresa Saunders] Kill by Maria Stewart (from Aysa Benally). Point HASKELL 6-12
[Justine Butterfield] Bad set by Latresa Saunders. Point HASKELL 6-13
  Timeout Kansas Christian Col.  
[Justine Butterfield] Attack error by Layla Dixon. Point HASKELL 6-14
[Justine Butterfield] Service ace (Larencea Doles). Point HASKELL 6-15
7-15 [Justine Butterfield] Service error. Point KANSAS C
8-15 [Sidnee Bergqiust] Kill by Brendeja Holloman (from Daria Korovina). Point KANSAS C
[Sidnee Bergqiust] Service error. Point HASKELL 8-16
[Hannah Poorman] Attack error by Layla Dixon. Point HASKELL 8-17
9-17 [Hannah Poorman] Kill by Brendeja Holloman (from Daria Korovina). Point KANSAS C
10-17 [Daria Korovina] Attack error by Amaya Harris. Point KANSAS C
11-17 [Daria Korovina] Kill by Brendeja Holloman (from Layne Shirley). Point KANSAS C
[Daria Korovina] Service error. Point HASKELL 11-18
[Maria Stewart] Kill by Amaya Harris (from Maria Stewart). Point HASKELL 11-19
[Maria Stewart] Kill by Mary Big Horn. Point HASKELL 11-20
12-20 [Maria Stewart] Service error. Point KANSAS C
[Layla Dixon] Service error. Point HASKELL 12-21
[Nakooma Pelt] Service ace (Latresa Saunders). Point HASKELL 12-22
13-22 [Nakooma Pelt] Kill by Brendeja Holloman (from Daria Korovina). Point KANSAS C
[Brendeja Holloman] Service error. Point HASKELL 13-23
[Mikeya Sheppard] Kill by Hannah Poorman (from Mikeya Sheppard). Point HASKELL 13-24
[Mikeya Sheppard] Attack error by Layne Shirley. Point HASKELL 13-25
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[Nakooma Pelt] Kill by Justine Butterfield (from Maria Stewart). Point HASKELL 0-1
[Nakooma Pelt] Kill by Hannah Poorman (from Maria Stewart). Point HASKELL 0-2
[Nakooma Pelt] Service ace (Latresa Saunders). Point HASKELL 0-3
[Nakooma Pelt] Kill by Amaya Harris (from Maria Stewart). Point HASKELL 0-4
[Nakooma Pelt] Service ace (Larencea Doles). Point HASKELL 0-5
1-5 [Nakooma Pelt] Bad set by Maria Stewart. Point KANSAS C
[Daria Korovina] Bad set by Layne Shirley. Point HASKELL 1-6
2-6 [Mikeya Sheppard] Kill by Brendeja Holloman (from Daria Korovina). Point KANSAS C
[Layla Dixon] Service error. Point HASKELL 2-7
3-7 [Aysa Benally] Kill by Brendeja Holloman (from Daria Korovina). Point KANSAS C
4-7 [Brendeja Holloman] Attack error by Justine Butterfield. Point KANSAS C
[Brendeja Holloman] Service error. Point HASKELL 4-8
[Justine Butterfield] Service ace (Layne Shirley). Point HASKELL 4-9
[Justine Butterfield] Service ace (Layla Dixon). Point HASKELL 4-10
5-10 [Justine Butterfield] Kill by Latresa Saunders (from Sidnee Bergqiust). Point KANSAS C
6-10 [Layne Shirley] Attack error by Hannah Poorman. Point KANSAS C
[Layne Shirley] Kill by Aysa Benally (from Maria Stewart). Point HASKELL 6-11
[Hannah Poorman] Kill by Mary Big Horn (from Maria Stewart). Point HASKELL 6-12
7-12 [Hannah Poorman] Kill by Latresa Saunders (from Daria Korovina). Point KANSAS C
[Latresa Saunders] Kill by Amaya Harris (from Maria Stewart), block error by Sidnee Bergqiust. Point HASKELL 7-13
8-13 [Maria Stewart] Service error. Point KANSAS C
[Sidnee Bergqiust] Service error. Point HASKELL 8-14
9-14 [Nakooma Pelt] Kill by Layla Dixon (from Daria Korovina). Point KANSAS C
10-14 [Daria Korovina] Service ace (Nakooma Pelt). Point KANSAS C
[Daria Korovina] Kill by Hannah Poorman (from Tilda Hubbell). Point HASKELL 10-15
[Mikeya Sheppard] Attack error by Brendeja Holloman. Point HASKELL 10-16
[Mikeya Sheppard] Kill by Hannah Poorman (from Maria Stewart). Point HASKELL 10-17
[Mary Big Horn] Bad set by Daria Korovina. Point HASKELL 10-18
[Mikeya Sheppard] Service ace (Sidnee Bergqiust). Point HASKELL 10-19
11-19 [Mikeya Sheppard] Kill by Layne Shirley (from Daria Korovina), block error by Tilda Hubbell. Point KANSAS C
[Layla Dixon] Kill by Hannah Poorman (from Maria Stewart). Point HASKELL 11-20
[Aysa Benally] Kill by Hannah Poorman (from Maria Stewart). Point HASKELL 11-21
[Aysa Benally] Attack error by Brendeja Holloman (block by Justine Butterfield). Point HASKELL 11-22
12-22 [Aysa Benally] Bad set by Hannah Poorman. Point KANSAS C
[Larencea Doles] Kill by Hannah Poorman (from Maria Stewart). Point HASKELL 12-23
[Justine Butterfield] Kill by Hannah Poorman (from Maria Stewart). Point HASKELL 12-24
13-24 [Justine Butterfield] Service error. Point KANSAS C
14-24 [Layne Shirley] Attack error by Hannah Poorman. Point KANSAS C
15-24 [Layne Shirley] Attack error by Hannah Poorman. Point KANSAS C
[Layne Shirley] Kill by Hannah Poorman (from Maria Stewart). Point HASKELL 15-25
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