Saint Xavier (Ill.) at Calumet
@ Whiting, IN (RAC)
3/25/2021 at 7:00 PM

Final 1 2 3 Score
Saint Xavier (Ill.) (10-7, 8-7) 25 25 25 3
Calumet (0-18, 0-14) 18 18 12 0
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd
  SAINT XA starters: Belseth, Jessica; Buksa, Elizabeth; Wis, Alexandra; Hunter, Courtney; Atton, Nadia; Woodard, Laura.  
  CALUMET starters: Emma Sweeney; Alexis Switzer; Sincere Northern; Makayla Watts; Nayelie Lopez; Rebecca Larios.  
1-0 [Woodard, Laura] Kill by Wis, Alexandra (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
[Woodard, Laura] Kill by Sincere Northern (from Rebecca Larios). Point CALUMET 1-1
2-1 [Rebecca Larios] Attack error by Makayla Watts. Point SAINT XA
3-1 [Atton, Nadia] Kill by Belseth, Jessica (from Rodriguez, Dayana). Point SAINT XA
[Atton, Nadia] Kill by Sincere Northern (from Jade Green). Point CALUMET 3-2
4-2 [Alexis Switzer] Kill by Buksa, Elizabeth (from Rodriguez, Dayana). Point SAINT XA
5-2 [Wis, Alexandra] Attack error by Makayla Watts. Point SAINT XA
6-2 [Wis, Alexandra] Attack error by Makayla Watts. Point SAINT XA
7-2 [Wis, Alexandra] Service ace (Jade Green). Point SAINT XA
8-2 [Wis, Alexandra] Kill by Belseth, Jessica. Point SAINT XA
9-2 [Wis, Alexandra] Kill by Belseth, Jessica (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
10-2 [Wis, Alexandra] Attack error by Sincere Northern. Point SAINT XA
11-2 [Wis, Alexandra] Service ace (Jade Green). Point SAINT XA
12-2 [Wis, Alexandra] Attack error by Sincere Northern (block by Belseth, Jessica; Hunter, Courtney). Point SAINT XA
13-2 [Wis, Alexandra] Service ace (Emma Sweeney). Point SAINT XA
[Wis, Alexandra] Kill by Sincere Northern (from Rebecca Larios). Point CALUMET 13-3
14-3 [Sincere Northern] Service error. Point SAINT XA
[Buksa, Elizabeth] Kill by Makayla Watts (from Rebecca Larios). Point CALUMET 14-4
15-4 [Makayla Watts] Kill by Hunter, Courtney (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
[Belseth, Jessica] Kill by Breonn Green (from Rebecca Larios). Point CALUMET 15-5
[Jade Green] Bad set by Woodard, Laura. Point CALUMET 15-6
16-6 [Jade Green] Attack error by Breonn Green. Point SAINT XA
[Rodriguez, Dayana] Attack error by Wis, Alexandra (block by Breonn Green; Alexis Switzer). Point CALUMET 16-7
[Emma Sweeney] Attack error by Atton, Nadia (block by Sincere Northern; Rebecca Larios). Point CALUMET 16-8
[Emma Sweeney] Attack error by Wis, Alexandra. Point CALUMET 16-9
[Emma Sweeney] Kill by Makayla Watts (from Rebecca Larios). Point CALUMET 16-10
17-10 [Emma Sweeney] Kill by Atton, Nadia (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
[Woodard, Laura] Service error. Point CALUMET 17-11
18-11 [Rebecca Larios] Kill by Buksa, Elizabeth (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
[Atton, Nadia] Bad set by Woodard, Laura. Point CALUMET 18-12
19-12 [Alexis Switzer] Service error. Point SAINT XA
20-12 [Wis, Alexandra] Attack error by Sincere Northern (block by Belseth, Jessica; Hunter, Courtney). Point SAINT XA
[Wis, Alexandra] Kill by Sincere Northern (from Rebecca Larios). Point CALUMET 20-13
[Sincere Northern] Attack error by Buksa, Elizabeth (block by Breonn Green; Nayelie Lopez). Point CALUMET 20-14
[Sincere Northern] Service ace (Belseth, Jessica). Point CALUMET 20-15
[Sincere Northern] Attack error by Buksa, Elizabeth. Point CALUMET 20-16
21-16 [Sincere Northern] Service error. Point SAINT XA
[Buksa, Elizabeth] Attack error by Belseth, Jessica (block by Breonn Green; Makayla Watts). Point CALUMET 21-17
[Makayla Watts] Attack error by Belseth, Jessica. Point CALUMET 21-18
22-18 [Makayla Watts] Kill by Hunter, Courtney (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
23-18 [Belseth, Jessica] Service ace (Sincere Northern). Point SAINT XA
24-18 [Belseth, Jessica] Kill by Hunter, Courtney (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
25-18 [Belseth, Jessica] Kill by Atton, Nadia (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
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[Emma Sweeney] Service ace (Belseth, Jessica). Point CALUMET 0-1
[Emma Sweeney] Kill by Sincere Northern. Point CALUMET 0-2
[Emma Sweeney] Kill by Alexis Switzer. Point CALUMET 0-3
1-3 [Emma Sweeney] Kill by Atton, Nadia (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
[Atton, Nadia] Bad set by Stepanek, Emily. Point CALUMET 1-4
2-4 [Rebecca Larios] Kill by Belseth, Jessica (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
3-4 [Wis, Alexandra] Service ace (Jade Green). Point SAINT XA
4-4 [Wis, Alexandra] Attack error by Sincere Northern. Point SAINT XA
[Wis, Alexandra] Kill by Makayla Watts (from Jade Green). Point CALUMET 4-5
5-5 [Alexis Switzer] Attack error by Nayelie Lopez. Point SAINT XA
[Dvorak, Nicole] Kill by Sincere Northern (from Rebecca Larios). Point CALUMET 5-6
6-6 [Sincere Northern] Kill by Hunter, Courtney (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
[Belseth, Jessica] Service error. Point CALUMET 6-7
7-7 [Tahtianna Pritchett] Kill by Hunter, Courtney (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
8-7 [Stepanek, Emily] Kill by Atton, Nadia (from Stepanek, Emily). Point SAINT XA
9-7 [Stepanek, Emily] Kill by Atton, Nadia (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
10-7 [Stepanek, Emily] Service ace (Sincere Northern). Point SAINT XA
[Stepanek, Emily] Service error. Point CALUMET 10-8
[Jade Green] Attack error by Wis, Alexandra (block by Breonn Green). Point CALUMET 10-9
11-9 [Jade Green] Kill by Atton, Nadia (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
12-9 [Woodard, Laura] Kill by Atton, Nadia (from Stepanek, Emily). Point SAINT XA
13-9 [Woodard, Laura] Bad set by Rebecca Larios. Point SAINT XA
[Woodard, Laura] Service error. Point CALUMET 13-10
[Emma Sweeney] Service ace (Mills, Marci). Point CALUMET 13-11
14-11 [Emma Sweeney] Kill by Dvorak, Nicole. Point SAINT XA
15-11 [Atton, Nadia] Kill by Wis, Alexandra (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
[Rebecca Larios] Service ace (Stepanek, Emily). Point CALUMET 15-12
16-12 [Rebecca Larios] Attack error by Sincere Northern. Point SAINT XA
[Wis, Alexandra] Kill by Makayla Watts. Point CALUMET 16-13
[Alexis Switzer] Kill by Makayla Watts (from Rebecca Larios). Point CALUMET 16-14
17-14 [Alexis Switzer] Kill by Dvorak, Nicole (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
[Kotowski, Kellylyn] Service error. Point CALUMET 17-15
[Sincere Northern] Service ace (Stepanek, Emily). Point CALUMET 17-16
18-16 [Sincere Northern] Service error. Point SAINT XA
19-16 [Belseth, Jessica] Bad set by Breonn Green. Point SAINT XA
20-16 [Belseth, Jessica] Attack error by Makayla Watts. Point SAINT XA
21-16 [Belseth, Jessica] Service ace (Jade Green). Point SAINT XA
[Belseth, Jessica] Attack error by Hunter, Courtney (block by Breonn Green; Nayelie Lopez). Point CALUMET 21-17
22-17 [Makayla Watts] Kill by Belseth, Jessica (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
23-17 [Stepanek, Emily] Service ace (Sincere Northern). Point SAINT XA
[Stepanek, Emily] Attack error by Wis, Alexandra. Point CALUMET 23-18
24-18 [Jade Green] Kill by Wis, Alexandra (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
25-18 [Woodard, Laura] Ball handling error by Sincere Northern. Point SAINT XA
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1-0 [Woodard, Laura] Attack error by Alexis Switzer. Point SAINT XA
2-0 [Woodard, Laura] Kill by Wis, Alexandra (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
[Woodard, Laura] Kill by Sincere Northern (from Rebecca Larios). Point CALUMET 2-1
3-1 [Rebecca Larios] Kill by Atton, Nadia (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
4-1 [Atton, Nadia] Attack error by Alexis Switzer (block by Belseth, Jessica; Wis, Alexandra). Point SAINT XA
[Atton, Nadia] Attack error by Belseth, Jessica. Point CALUMET 4-2
5-2 [Alexis Switzer] Kill by Wis, Alexandra (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
6-2 [Wis, Alexandra] Service ace (Jade Green). Point SAINT XA
7-2 [Wis, Alexandra] Service ace (Emma Sweeney). Point SAINT XA
8-2 [Wis, Alexandra] Attack error by Makayla Watts. Point SAINT XA
9-2 [Wis, Alexandra] Service ace (Sincere Northern). Point SAINT XA
[Wis, Alexandra] Kill by Makayla Watts (from Rebecca Larios). Point CALUMET 9-3
10-3 [Sincere Northern] Kill by Hunter, Courtney (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
[Buksa, Elizabeth] Kill by Makayla Watts (from Rebecca Larios). Point CALUMET 10-4
[Makayla Watts] Service ace (Kotowski, Kellylyn). Point CALUMET 10-5
11-5 [Makayla Watts] Kill by Belseth, Jessica (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
[Belseth, Jessica] Kill by Sincere Northern (from Nayelie Lopez). Point CALUMET 11-6
12-6 [Jade Green] Kill by Hunter, Courtney (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
13-6 [Murphy, Megan] Kill by Atton, Nadia (from Kotowski, Kellylyn). Point SAINT XA
14-6 [Murphy, Megan] Service ace (Sincere Northern). Point SAINT XA
15-6 [Murphy, Megan] Kill by Gutierrez, Maria (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
16-6 [Murphy, Megan] Attack error by Alexis Switzer. Point SAINT XA
[Murphy, Megan] Service error. Point CALUMET 16-7
17-7 [Emma Sweeney] Ball handling error by Jade Green. Point SAINT XA
[Woodard, Laura] Kill by Sincere Northern (from Rebecca Larios). Point CALUMET 17-8
[Rebecca Larios] Service ace (Murphy, Megan). Point CALUMET 17-9
18-9 [Rebecca Larios] Kill by Wis, Alexandra (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
19-9 [Atton, Nadia] Kill by Mills, Marci (from Belseth, Jessica), block error by Rebecca Larios. Point SAINT XA
[Atton, Nadia] Kill by Makayla Watts (from Rebecca Larios). Point CALUMET 19-10
[Alexis Switzer] Ball handling error by Rodriguez, Dayana. Point CALUMET 19-11
20-11 [Alexis Switzer] Kill by Wis, Alexandra (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
[Wis, Alexandra] Kill by Sincere Northern (from Rebecca Larios). Point CALUMET 20-12
21-12 [Sincere Northern] Kill by Buksa, Elizabeth (from Woodard, Laura). Point SAINT XA
22-12 [Buksa, Elizabeth] Service ace (Paris Butler). Point SAINT XA
23-12 [Buksa, Elizabeth] Service ace (Paris Butler). Point SAINT XA
24-12 [Buksa, Elizabeth] Kill by Hunter, Courtney (from Buksa, Elizabeth). Point SAINT XA
25-12 [Buksa, Elizabeth] Kill by Mills, Marci (from Buksa, Elizabeth). Point SAINT XA
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