Briar Cliff at Morningside (Iowa)
@ Sioux City, IA (RVSC-Allee Gym)
10/15/2019 at 7:30pm

Final 1 2 3 4 Score
Briar Cliff (13-11, 3-7) 27 20 23 15 1
Morningside (Iowa) (14-7, 6-5) 25 25 25 25 3
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd  |  4th
BCU -- 1st -- MC2019W
  MC2019W starters: Brittni Olson; Caitlin Makovicka; Krista Zenk; Ashley Boer; Emma Gerber; Callie Alberico; libero Kayla Harris.  
  BCU starters: Noel Phillips; Tyra Blue; Victoria Gonzalez; Delaney Meyer; Grace Whitlaw; Harlee Wagoner; libero Grace Hanno.  
1-0 [Callie Alberico] Kill by Tyra Blue (from Delaney Meyer). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Aubury Coleman; Harlee Wagoner.  
[Victoria Gonzalez] Kill by Caitlin Makovicka (from Callie Alberico). Point MC2019W 1-1
[Krista Zenk] Attack error by Tyra Blue (block by Caitlin Makovicka; Brittni Olson). Point MC2019W 1-2
2-2 [Krista Zenk] Kill by Noel Phillips (from Delaney Meyer). Point BCU
  MC2019W subs: Merrin Van Velzen; Krista Zenk; Kaelyn Giefer.  
3-2 [Grace Hanno] Attack error by Kaelyn Giefer (block by Grace Whitlaw; Noel Phillips). Point BCU
4-2 [Grace Hanno] Kill by Grace Whitlaw. Point BCU
[Grace Hanno] Kill by Brittni Olson (from Callie Alberico). Point MC2019W 4-3
5-3 [Kayla Harris] Kill by Grace Whitlaw (from Delaney Meyer). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Analyse Stapleton; Delaney Meyer; Maureen Imrie; Noel Phillips.  
[Maureen Imrie] Service error. Point MC2019W 5-4
  MC2019W subs: Caitlin Makovicka; Sabrina Creason.  
[Sabrina Creason] Attack error by Analyse Stapleton (block by Courtney Baruth; Emma Gerber). Point MC2019W 5-5
6-5 [Sabrina Creason] Kill by Aubury Coleman (from Maureen Imrie). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Harlee Wagoner; Aubury Coleman.  
[Harlee Wagoner] Kill by Emma Gerber (from Callie Alberico). Point MC2019W 6-6
  MC2019W subs: Ashley Boer; Kaelyn Giefer; Krista Zenk; Merrin Van Velzen.  
[Ashley Boer] Attack error by Analyse Stapleton. Point MC2019W 6-7
7-7 [Ashley Boer] Kill by Victoria Gonzalez (from Maureen Imrie). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Cassie Clark; Grace Whitlaw.  
[Cassie Clark] Kill by Krista Zenk (from Sabrina Creason). Point MC2019W 7-8
  BCU subs: Grace Whitlaw; Cassie Clark.  
  MC2019W subs: Rylie Muhlbauer; Emma Gerber.  
8-8 [Rylie Muhlbauer] Kill by Analyse Stapleton (from Maureen Imrie). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Delaney Meyer; Analyse Stapleton; Noel Phillips; Maureen Imrie.  
9-8 [Delaney Meyer] Attack error by Brittni Olson (block by Tyra Blue; Noel Phillips). Point BCU
10-8 [Delaney Meyer] Kill by Victoria Gonzalez (from Delaney Meyer). Point BCU
[Delaney Meyer] Kill by Krista Zenk (from Sabrina Creason). Point MC2019W 10-9
  MC2019W subs: Emma Gerber; Rylie Muhlbauer; Callie Alberico; Courtney Baruth; Caitlin Makovicka; Sabrina Creason.  
[Callie Alberico] Kill by Brittni Olson (from Brittni Olson). Point MC2019W 10-10
[Callie Alberico] Service ace (Harlee Wagoner). Point MC2019W 10-11
11-11 [Callie Alberico] Kill by Noel Phillips (from Delaney Meyer). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Aubury Coleman; Harlee Wagoner.  
[Victoria Gonzalez] Attack error by Aubury Coleman. Point MC2019W 11-12
  MC2019W subs: Kaelyn Giefer; Ashley Boer.  
[Krista Zenk] Kill by Krista Zenk (from Callie Alberico). Point MC2019W 11-13
12-13 [Krista Zenk] Service error. Point BCU
  MC2019W subs: Merrin Van Velzen; Krista Zenk.  
13-13 [Grace Hanno] Attack error by Brittni Olson (block by Aubury Coleman; Grace Whitlaw). Point BCU
14-13 [Grace Hanno] Ball handling error by Callie Alberico. Point BCU
15-13 [Grace Hanno] Kill by Noel Phillips (from Delaney Meyer). Point BCU
  Timeout Morningside.  
[Grace Hanno] Kill by Caitlin Makovicka (from Callie Alberico). Point MC2019W 15-14
16-14 [Kayla Harris] Kill by Delaney Meyer (from Victoria Gonzalez). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Analyse Stapleton; Delaney Meyer; Maureen Imrie; Noel Phillips.  
[Maureen Imrie] Kill by Caitlin Makovicka (from Callie Alberico). Point MC2019W 16-15
  MC2019W subs: Sabrina Creason; Caitlin Makovicka; Callie Alberico; Courtney Baruth.  
[Sabrina Creason] Ball handling error by Maureen Imrie. Point MC2019W 16-16
17-16 [Sabrina Creason] Kill by Analyse Stapleton (from Maureen Imrie). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Harlee Wagoner; Aubury Coleman.  
[Harlee Wagoner] Kill by Emma Gerber (from Sabrina Creason). Point MC2019W 17-17
  MC2019W subs: Ashley Boer; Kaelyn Giefer; Krista Zenk; Merrin Van Velzen.  
18-17 [Ashley Boer] Kill by Victoria Gonzalez (from Maureen Imrie), block error by Courtney Baruth. Point BCU
  BCU subs: Cassie Clark; Grace Whitlaw.  
  MC2019W subs: Madison Hartman; Courtney Baruth.  
[Cassie Clark] Kill by Emma Gerber (from Sabrina Creason). Point MC2019W 18-18
  MC2019W subs: Rylie Muhlbauer; Emma Gerber.  
  BCU subs: Grace Whitlaw; Cassie Clark.  
[Rylie Muhlbauer] Attack error by Analyse Stapleton (block by Brittni Olson; Krista Zenk). Point MC2019W 18-19
[Rylie Muhlbauer] Kill by Madison Hartman (from Sabrina Creason). Point MC2019W 18-20
  Timeout Briar Cliff.  
19-20 [Rylie Muhlbauer] Kill by Victoria Gonzalez (from Maureen Imrie). Point BCU
  MC2019W subs: Emma Gerber; Rylie Muhlbauer.  
  BCU subs: Delaney Meyer; Analyse Stapleton; Noel Phillips; Maureen Imrie.  
20-20 [Delaney Meyer] Attack error by Krista Zenk. Point BCU
21-20 [Delaney Meyer] Attack error by Madison Hartman. Point BCU
  Timeout Morningside.  
[Delaney Meyer] Kill by Krista Zenk (from Sabrina Creason). Point MC2019W 21-21
  MC2019W subs: Callie Alberico; Madison Hartman; Caitlin Makovicka; Sabrina Creason.  
22-21 [Callie Alberico] Kill by Tyra Blue (from Delaney Meyer). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Aubury Coleman; Harlee Wagoner.  
[Victoria Gonzalez] Kill by Callie Alberico (from Krista Zenk). Point MC2019W 22-22
23-22 [Krista Zenk] Kill by Aubury Coleman (from Delaney Meyer). Point BCU
  MC2019W subs: Krista Zenk; Merrin Van Velzen; Kaelyn Giefer; Ashley Boer.  
[Grace Hanno] Service error. Point MC2019W 23-23
[Kayla Harris] Kill by Caitlin Makovicka (from Callie Alberico). Point MC2019W 23-24
  Timeout Briar Cliff.  
24-24 [Kayla Harris] Attack error by Emma Gerber (block by Grace Whitlaw). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Analyse Stapleton; Delaney Meyer; Maureen Imrie; Noel Phillips.  
[Maureen Imrie] Kill by Emma Gerber (from Callie Alberico). Point MC2019W 24-25
  MC2019W subs: Sabrina Creason; Caitlin Makovicka; Madison Hartman; Callie Alberico.  
25-25 [Sabrina Creason] Kill by Grace Whitlaw (from Maureen Imrie). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Harlee Wagoner; Aubury Coleman.  
26-25 [Harlee Wagoner] Attack error by Madison Hartman. Point BCU
27-25 [Harlee Wagoner] Service ace (Kaelyn Giefer). Point BCU
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BCU -- 2nd -- MC2019W
  BCU starters: Grace Whitlaw; Harlee Wagoner; Noel Phillips; Victoria Gonzalez; Delaney Meyer; Tyra Blue; libero Grace Hanno.  
  MC2019W starters: Emma Gerber; Callie Alberico; Ashley Boer; Krista Zenk; Brittni Olson; Caitlin Makovicka; libero Kayla Harris.  
1-0 [Delaney Meyer] Service ace (Krista Zenk). Point BCU
2-0 [Delaney Meyer] Kill by Victoria Gonzalez (from Harlee Wagoner). Point BCU
3-0 [Delaney Meyer] Attack error by Brittni Olson. Point BCU
[Delaney Meyer] Kill by Caitlin Makovicka (from Callie Alberico). Point MC2019W 3-1
  MC2019W subs: Kaelyn Giefer; Ashley Boer.  
[Krista Zenk] Service ace (Victoria Gonzalez). Point MC2019W 3-2
[Krista Zenk] Attack error by Noel Phillips. Point MC2019W 3-3
4-3 [Krista Zenk] Service error. Point BCU
  BCU subs: Aubury Coleman; Harlee Wagoner.  
  MC2019W subs: Merrin Van Velzen; Krista Zenk.  
[Victoria Gonzalez] Attack error by Victoria Gonzalez. Point MC2019W 4-4
[Kayla Harris] Kill by Emma Gerber (from Kayla Harris). Point MC2019W 4-5
5-5 [Kayla Harris] Kill by Noel Phillips (from Delaney Meyer). Point BCU
[Grace Hanno] Kill by Caitlin Makovicka (from Callie Alberico). Point MC2019W 5-6
  MC2019W subs: Sabrina Creason; Caitlin Makovicka; Madison Hartman; Callie Alberico.  
[Sabrina Creason] Kill by Emma Gerber (from Sabrina Creason). Point MC2019W 5-7
[Sabrina Creason] Kill by Madison Hartman (from Emma Gerber). Point MC2019W 5-8
  Timeout Briar Cliff.  
6-8 [Sabrina Creason] Kill by Aubury Coleman (from Delaney Meyer). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Analyse Stapleton; Delaney Meyer; Maureen Imrie; Noel Phillips.  
7-8 [Maureen Imrie] Attack error by Madison Hartman. Point BCU
[Maureen Imrie] Service error. Point MC2019W 7-9
  MC2019W subs: Ashley Boer; Kaelyn Giefer; Krista Zenk; Merrin Van Velzen.  
8-9 [Ashley Boer] Kill by Victoria Gonzalez (from Maureen Imrie). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Harlee Wagoner; Aubury Coleman.  
[Harlee Wagoner] Kill by Emma Gerber (from Sabrina Creason). Point MC2019W 8-10
  MC2019W subs: Rylie Muhlbauer; Emma Gerber.  
[Rylie Muhlbauer] Attack error by Grace Whitlaw. Point MC2019W 8-11
[Rylie Muhlbauer] Service ace (Harlee Wagoner). Point MC2019W 8-12
9-12 [Rylie Muhlbauer] Attack error by Brittni Olson (block by Grace Whitlaw). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Cassie Clark; Grace Whitlaw.  
  MC2019W subs: Emma Gerber; Rylie Muhlbauer.  
10-12 [Cassie Clark] Kill by Analyse Stapleton (from Victoria Gonzalez). Point BCU
[Cassie Clark] Service error. Point MC2019W 10-13
  BCU subs: Grace Whitlaw; Aubury Coleman.  
  MC2019W subs: Callie Alberico; Madison Hartman; Caitlin Makovicka; Sabrina Creason.  
[Callie Alberico] Attack error by Analyse Stapleton. Point MC2019W 10-14
[Callie Alberico] Kill by Caitlin Makovicka (from Callie Alberico). Point MC2019W 10-15
11-15 [Callie Alberico] Kill by Victoria Gonzalez (from Maureen Imrie). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Delaney Meyer; Analyse Stapleton; Noel Phillips; Maureen Imrie.  
12-15 [Delaney Meyer] Kill by Noel Phillips (from Harlee Wagoner). Point BCU
[Delaney Meyer] Kill by Krista Zenk (from Callie Alberico). Point MC2019W 12-16
  MC2019W subs: Kaelyn Giefer; Ashley Boer.  
13-16 [Krista Zenk] Kill by Victoria Gonzalez (from Delaney Meyer). Point BCU
  MC2019W subs: Merrin Van Velzen; Krista Zenk.  
  BCU subs: Aubury Coleman; Harlee Wagoner.  
[Victoria Gonzalez] Kill by Brittni Olson (from Callie Alberico). Point MC2019W 13-17
14-17 [Kayla Harris] Kill by Noel Phillips (from Delaney Meyer). Point BCU
[Grace Hanno] Kill by Emma Gerber (from Callie Alberico). Point MC2019W 14-18
  MC2019W subs: Sabrina Creason; Caitlin Makovicka; Madison Hartman; Callie Alberico.  
15-18 [Sabrina Creason] Service error. Point BCU
  BCU subs: Analyse Stapleton; Delaney Meyer; Maureen Imrie; Noel Phillips.  
[Maureen Imrie] Kill by Kaelyn Giefer (from Sabrina Creason), block error by Analyse Stapleton. Point MC2019W 15-19
  MC2019W subs: Ashley Boer; Kaelyn Giefer; Krista Zenk; Merrin Van Velzen.  
16-19 [Ashley Boer] Kill by Grace Whitlaw. Point BCU
  BCU subs: Harlee Wagoner; Aubury Coleman.  
17-19 [Harlee Wagoner] Kill by Analyse Stapleton (from Victoria Gonzalez). Point BCU
18-19 [Harlee Wagoner] Attack error by Krista Zenk. Point BCU
19-19 [Harlee Wagoner] Kill by Grace Whitlaw. Point BCU
  Timeout Morningside.  
[Harlee Wagoner] Kill by Krista Zenk (from Sabrina Creason). Point MC2019W 19-20
  MC2019W subs: Rylie Muhlbauer; Emma Gerber.  
20-20 [Rylie Muhlbauer] Service error. Point BCU
  MC2019W subs: Emma Gerber; Rylie Muhlbauer.  
  BCU subs: Cassie Clark; Grace Whitlaw.  
[Cassie Clark] Kill by Brittni Olson (from Sabrina Creason). Point MC2019W 20-21
  BCU subs: Grace Whitlaw; Cassie Clark.  
  MC2019W subs: Callie Alberico; Madison Hartman; Caitlin Makovicka; Sabrina Creason.  
[Callie Alberico] Kill by Krista Zenk (from Callie Alberico). Point MC2019W 20-22
  Timeout Briar Cliff.  
[Callie Alberico] Service ace (Harlee Wagoner). Point MC2019W 20-23
[Callie Alberico] Attack error by Victoria Gonzalez (block by Brittni Olson; Caitlin Makovicka). Point MC2019W 20-24
[Callie Alberico] Kill by Krista Zenk. Point MC2019W 20-25
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BCU -- 3rd -- MC2019W
  BCU starters: Noel Phillips; Tyra Blue; Harlee Wagoner; Grace Whitlaw; Delaney Meyer; Victoria Gonzalez; libero Grace Hanno.  
  MC2019W starters: Callie Alberico; Emma Gerber; Ashley Boer; Caitlin Makovicka; Brittni Olson; Krista Zenk; libero Kayla Harris.  
1-0 [Callie Alberico] Kill by Tyra Blue (from Delaney Meyer). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Aubury Coleman; Harlee Wagoner.  
[Victoria Gonzalez] Attack error by Noel Phillips. Point MC2019W 1-1
  MC2019W subs: Kaelyn Giefer; Ashley Boer.  
2-1 [Krista Zenk] Kill by Tyra Blue (from Delaney Meyer). Point BCU
  MC2019W subs: Merrin Van Velzen; Krista Zenk.  
3-1 [Grace Hanno] Kill by Aubury Coleman (from Delaney Meyer). Point BCU
[Grace Hanno] Service error. Point MC2019W 3-2
4-2 [Kayla Harris] Kill by Aubury Coleman (from Delaney Meyer). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Analyse Stapleton; Delaney Meyer; Maureen Imrie; Noel Phillips.  
5-2 [Maureen Imrie] Kill by Aubury Coleman. Point BCU
[Maureen Imrie] Kill by Emma Gerber (from Callie Alberico). Point MC2019W 5-3
  MC2019W subs: Sabrina Creason; Caitlin Makovicka; Madison Hartman; Callie Alberico.  
[Sabrina Creason] Service ace (Aubury Coleman). Point MC2019W 5-4
6-4 [Sabrina Creason] Kill by Aubury Coleman (from Maureen Imrie). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Harlee Wagoner; Aubury Coleman.  
[Harlee Wagoner] Kill by Emma Gerber (from Sabrina Creason). Point MC2019W 6-5
  MC2019W subs: Ashley Boer; Kaelyn Giefer; Krista Zenk; Merrin Van Velzen.  
7-5 [Ashley Boer] Attack error by Krista Zenk. Point BCU
  BCU subs: Morgan Youngs; Grace Whitlaw.  
[Morgan Youngs] Kill by Krista Zenk (from Sabrina Creason). Point MC2019W 7-6
  MC2019W subs: Rylie Muhlbauer; Emma Gerber.  
  BCU subs: Grace Whitlaw; Morgan Youngs.  
8-6 [Rylie Muhlbauer] Kill by Analyse Stapleton (from Maureen Imrie). Point BCU
  MC2019W subs: Emma Gerber; Rylie Muhlbauer.  
  BCU subs: Delaney Meyer; Analyse Stapleton; Noel Phillips; Maureen Imrie.  
9-6 [Delaney Meyer] Attack error by Krista Zenk. Point BCU
[Harlee Wagoner] Attack error by Victoria Gonzalez (block by Brittni Olson; Krista Zenk). Point MC2019W 9-7
  MC2019W subs: Callie Alberico; Madison Hartman; Caitlin Makovicka; Sabrina Creason.  
10-7 [Callie Alberico] Attack error by Caitlin Makovicka (block by Tyra Blue; Victoria Gonzalez). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Aubury Coleman; Harlee Wagoner.  
11-7 [Victoria Gonzalez] Bad set by Callie Alberico. Point BCU
  Timeout Morningside.  
[Victoria Gonzalez] Kill by Krista Zenk (from Kayla Harris). Point MC2019W 11-8
  MC2019W subs: Kaelyn Giefer; Ashley Boer.  
12-8 [Krista Zenk] Kill by Noel Phillips (from Delaney Meyer). Point BCU
  MC2019W subs: Merrin Van Velzen; Krista Zenk.  
13-8 [Grace Hanno] Kill by Aubury Coleman (from Delaney Meyer). Point BCU
14-8 [Grace Hanno] Attack error by Kaelyn Giefer. Point BCU
[Grace Hanno] Service error. Point MC2019W 14-9
[Kayla Harris] Attack error by Delaney Meyer. Point MC2019W 14-10
15-10 [Kayla Harris] Service error. Point BCU
  BCU subs: Analyse Stapleton; Delaney Meyer; Maureen Imrie; Noel Phillips.  
[Maureen Imrie] Service error. Point MC2019W 15-11
  MC2019W subs: Sabrina Creason; Caitlin Makovicka; Madison Hartman; Callie Alberico.  
16-11 [Sabrina Creason] Kill by Grace Whitlaw (from Maureen Imrie). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Harlee Wagoner; Aubury Coleman.  
[Harlee Wagoner] Kill by Madison Hartman (from Sabrina Creason). Point MC2019W 16-12
  MC2019W subs: Ashley Boer; Kaelyn Giefer; Krista Zenk; Merrin Van Velzen.  
[Ashley Boer] Attack error by Analyse Stapleton (block by Emma Gerber; Krista Zenk). Point MC2019W 16-13
[Ashley Boer] Attack error by Analyse Stapleton. Point MC2019W 16-14
  Timeout Briar Cliff.  
[Ashley Boer] Kill by Madison Hartman (from Sabrina Creason). Point MC2019W 16-15
17-15 [Ashley Boer] Service error. Point BCU
  BCU subs: Morgan Youngs; Grace Whitlaw.  
[Morgan Youngs] Kill by Krista Zenk (from Sabrina Creason). Point MC2019W 17-16
  BCU subs: Grace Whitlaw; Morgan Youngs.  
  MC2019W subs: Rylie Muhlbauer; Emma Gerber.  
18-16 [Rylie Muhlbauer] Attack error by Brittni Olson. Point BCU
  BCU subs: Delaney Meyer; Analyse Stapleton; Noel Phillips; Maureen Imrie.  
19-16 [Delaney Meyer] Kill by Delaney Meyer (from Grace Hanno). Point BCU
[Delaney Meyer] Kill by Brittni Olson (from Sabrina Creason). Point MC2019W 19-17
  MC2019W subs: Callie Alberico; Madison Hartman; Caitlin Makovicka; Sabrina Creason.  
20-17 [Callie Alberico] Attack error by Krista Zenk (block by Tyra Blue; Noel Phillips). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Aubury Coleman; Harlee Wagoner.  
  Timeout Morningside.  
21-17 [Victoria Gonzalez] Attack error by Caitlin Makovicka. Point BCU
[Victoria Gonzalez] Attack error by Aubury Coleman (block by Caitlin Makovicka; Brittni Olson). Point MC2019W 21-18
  MC2019W subs: Kaelyn Giefer; Ashley Boer.  
[Krista Zenk] Kill by Brittni Olson (from Callie Alberico). Point MC2019W 21-19
[Krista Zenk] Service ace (Grace Hanno). Point MC2019W 21-20
[Krista Zenk] Attack error by Noel Phillips. Point MC2019W 21-21
[Krista Zenk] Kill by Brittni Olson (from Callie Alberico). Point MC2019W 21-22
  Timeout Briar Cliff.  
[Krista Zenk] Ball handling error by Aubury Coleman. Point MC2019W 21-23
22-23 [Krista Zenk] Kill by Tyra Blue (from Delaney Meyer). Point BCU
  MC2019W subs: Merrin Van Velzen; Krista Zenk.  
[Grace Hanno] Kill by Callie Alberico (from Kayla Harris). Point MC2019W 22-24
23-24 [Kayla Harris] Kill by Noel Phillips (from Victoria Gonzalez). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Analyse Stapleton; Delaney Meyer; Maureen Imrie; Noel Phillips.  
[Maureen Imrie] Kill by Emma Gerber (from Callie Alberico). Point MC2019W 23-25
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BCU -- 4th -- MC2019W
  BCU starters: Noel Phillips; Grace Whitlaw; Tyra Blue; Victoria Gonzalez; Delaney Meyer; Harlee Wagoner; libero Grace Hanno.  
  MC2019W starters: Emma Gerber; Merrin Van Velzen; Callie Alberico; Kaelyn Giefer; Caitlin Makovicka; Brittni Olson; libero Kayla Harris.  
[Delaney Meyer] Service error. Point MC2019W 0-1
  MC2019W subs: Sabrina Creason; Caitlin Makovicka; Callie Alberico; Madison Hartman.  
[Sabrina Creason] Kill by Emma Gerber (from Sabrina Creason). Point MC2019W 0-2
[Sabrina Creason] Kill by Emma Gerber (from Sabrina Creason). Point MC2019W 0-3
  Timeout Briar Cliff.  
1-3 [Sabrina Creason] Attack error by Kaelyn Giefer (block by Noel Phillips; Tyra Blue). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Aubury Coleman; Harlee Wagoner.  
[Victoria Gonzalez] Kill by Emma Gerber (from Sabrina Creason). Point MC2019W 1-4
  MC2019W subs: Ashley Boer; Kaelyn Giefer; Krista Zenk; Merrin Van Velzen.  
[Ashley Boer] Attack error by Tyra Blue (block by Emma Gerber). Point MC2019W 1-5
2-5 [Ashley Boer] Kill by Noel Phillips (from Delaney Meyer). Point BCU
[Grace Hanno] Attack error by Aubury Coleman. Point MC2019W 2-6
  MC2019W subs: Rylie Muhlbauer; Emma Gerber.  
3-6 [Rylie Muhlbauer] Attack error by Madison Hartman (block by Grace Whitlaw; Aubury Coleman). Point BCU
  MC2019W subs: Emma Gerber; Rylie Muhlbauer.  
  BCU subs: Analyse Stapleton; Delaney Meyer; Maureen Imrie; Noel Phillips.  
4-6 [Maureen Imrie] Service ace (TEAM). Point BCU
[Maureen Imrie] Kill by Krista Zenk. Point MC2019W 4-7
  MC2019W subs: Callie Alberico; Madison Hartman; Caitlin Makovicka; Sabrina Creason.  
[Callie Alberico] Attack error by Grace Whitlaw. Point MC2019W 4-8
[Callie Alberico] Attack error by Aubury Coleman. Point MC2019W 4-9
[Callie Alberico] Kill by Krista Zenk (from Callie Alberico). Point MC2019W 4-10
5-10 [Callie Alberico] Kill by Maureen Imrie (from Victoria Gonzalez). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Harlee Wagoner; Aubury Coleman.  
[Harlee Wagoner] Kill by Krista Zenk (from Callie Alberico). Point MC2019W 5-11
  MC2019W subs: Kaelyn Giefer; Ashley Boer.  
[Krista Zenk] Attack error by Analyse Stapleton. Point MC2019W 5-12
[Krista Zenk] Attack error by Victoria Gonzalez (block by Brittni Olson; Caitlin Makovicka). Point MC2019W 5-13
  Timeout Briar Cliff.  
6-13 [Krista Zenk] Kill by Victoria Gonzalez (from Maureen Imrie). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Morgan Youngs; Grace Whitlaw.  
  MC2019W subs: Merrin Van Velzen; Krista Zenk.  
[Morgan Youngs] Attack error by Tyra Blue (block by Brittni Olson). Point MC2019W 6-14
  BCU subs: Grace Whitlaw; Morgan Youngs.  
7-14 [Kayla Harris] Service error. Point BCU
  BCU subs: Delaney Meyer; Analyse Stapleton; Noel Phillips; Maureen Imrie.  
8-14 [Delaney Meyer] Attack error by Kaelyn Giefer (block by Tyra Blue; Noel Phillips). Point BCU
9-14 [Delaney Meyer] Attack error by Caitlin Makovicka. Point BCU
[Delaney Meyer] Kill by Caitlin Makovicka (from Callie Alberico). Point MC2019W 9-15
  MC2019W subs: Sabrina Creason; Caitlin Makovicka; Madison Hartman; Callie Alberico.  
[Sabrina Creason] Kill by Kaelyn Giefer (from Sabrina Creason). Point MC2019W 9-16
10-16 [Sabrina Creason] Kill by Tyra Blue (from Maureen Imrie). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Aubury Coleman; Harlee Wagoner.  
[Victoria Gonzalez] Kill by Kaelyn Giefer (from Sabrina Creason). Point MC2019W 10-17
11-17 [Ashley Boer] Kill by Aubury Coleman (from Delaney Meyer). Point BCU
[Grace Hanno] Kill by Emma Gerber (from Sabrina Creason). Point MC2019W 11-18
  MC2019W subs: Rylie Muhlbauer; Emma Gerber.  
  MC2019W subs: Ashley Boer; Kaelyn Giefer.  
[Rylie Muhlbauer] Attack error by Noel Phillips. Point MC2019W 11-19
12-19 [Rylie Muhlbauer] Attack error by Krista Zenk. Point BCU
13-19 [Maureen Imrie] Service ace (Kayla Harris). Point BCU
[Maureen Imrie] Kill by Krista Zenk (from Sabrina Creason). Point MC2019W 13-20
  MC2019W subs: Callie Alberico; Madison Hartman; Caitlin Makovicka; Sabrina Creason.  
[Callie Alberico] Attack error by Aubury Coleman. Point MC2019W 13-21
[Callie Alberico] Kill by Krista Zenk. Point MC2019W 13-22
[Callie Alberico] Kill by Callie Alberico (from Krista Zenk). Point MC2019W 13-23
14-23 [Callie Alberico] Attack error by Krista Zenk. Point BCU
  BCU subs: Harlee Wagoner; Aubury Coleman.  
[Harlee Wagoner] Service error. Point MC2019W 14-24
  MC2019W subs: Kaelyn Giefer; Ashley Boer.  
15-24 [Krista Zenk] Attack error by Kaelyn Giefer (block by Analyse Stapleton; Grace Whitlaw). Point BCU
  BCU subs: Morgan Youngs; Grace Whitlaw.  
  MC2019W subs: Merrin Van Velzen; Krista Zenk.  
[Morgan Youngs] Service error. Point MC2019W 15-25
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