Minority Opportunities in Athletics

Minority Opportunities in Athletics Association (MOAA)  provides opportunities to exchange ideas, advocate increased participation and administrative opportunities for minorities in athletics. The MOAA also promotes generating a sports culture that supports the values necessary to teach and learn respect for self and others. 

Not a MOAA Member? Join today!


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Learn how to better recruit and retain international student-athletes! Hear about findings of five focus groups conducted across the U.S. with international student-athletes and implementations from ADs.

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Focus Groups Findings


Member Benefits

  1. Opportunity to attend the annual MOAA Symposium at reduced rates.
  2. Participation in the MOAA Community, in which individual members may exchange ideas or seek input and also be appraised of employment opportunities within the field.
  3. Complimentary copies of Athletics Administration magazine, which includes MOAA Corner articles. The magazine is produced four times a year.
  4. Complimentary subscription to the NACDA Daily Review, which is a compilation of internet articles related to intercollegiate athletics. The Daily Review is sent via e-mail five days per week.
  5. Networking opportunities with other minority professionals.


Testimonials from MOAA Members

Darnell Smith
Texas A & M University-San Antonio (00:49) 

John Ashaolu
Point Park (Penn.) - (00:43) 

Stan Johnson
Executive Director (01:29)  

Jason Horn
Florida Memorial (00:54)  

Gale Nelson, II
Florida Memorial (01:04)  

Rob Cashell
Cascade Conference (00:46)  


MOAA Resources

MOAA Webinar: Why MOAA and How it Can Help You (55:59)

Career Opportunities within the NAIA - 2022 (58:56)


Serving Student-Athletes through NIL  (1:01:12) 

The New Athletics Diversity & Inclusion Officer: A Baseline for Success (1:00:35) 

MOAA Successfully Transitioning in Athletics (1:01:41) 

BURNOUT: The Challenges & Self-Care Solutions (55:39)

Career Opportunities within the NAIA - 2021 (1:03:13)

How to Determine Your Professional Fit (59:58)