

Unlocking the Value of Intercollegiate Athletics

How it can support enrollment growth, financial sustainability, and student success

Intercollegiate athletics has always played an important role in the campus culture and identity of an institution. As student demographics have dramatically shifted, however, athletics programs have also become increasingly important drivers of enrollment growth, as well as contributors to the financial viability of institutions.

In this 20-minute UB Ed Talk, Dr. Roger Drake, president of Central Methodist University, and Jim Carr, president and CEO of NAIA, discuss the increasing value of athletics, and outline some practical insights for unlocking its potential to support enrollment, student success, and financial sustainability.

Listen to the recording on Spotify and Apple Podcasts!

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Q&A Sessions

Are there grants that help new institutions starts an athletic program?

How do you help those see the value in athletics on campus?

How do you recruit athletes - especially male - who will retain and graduate?

What sports do you see as growth and what is the role if any with eSports?

You mentioned 62% of your students are involved in athletics. How do you balance the needs and expectations of that population with the general student?



Contact the Speakers

roger drake

Dr. Roger Drake
President, Central Methodist (Mo.)


jim carr

Jim Carr
President/CEO, NAIA