Arizona Christian at Menlo (Calif.)
@ Atherton, CA
2/26/2022 at 6:00 PM

Final 1 2 3 4 Score
Arizona Christian (2-4, 0-3) 25 12 19 20 1
Menlo (Calif.) (12-3, 2-2) 22 25 25 25 3
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd  |  4th
  ARIZONA starters: Cade McGee; Chris Beck; Paul Dozeman; Wesley Hunter; Thomas Johannesen; Nate Mayfield.  
  MENLO starters: Konrad Stoklosinski; Dylan Cohan; Lucas Larson; Josh Sullivan; Joshua Thompson; Chase Direito.  
[Konrad Stoklosinski] Kill by Cade McGee (from Thomas Johannesen). Point ARIZONA
[Cade McGee] Kill by Wesley Hunter (from Thomas Johannesen). Point ARIZONA
[Cade McGee] Kill by Joshua Thompson (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 2-1
[Chase Direito] Kill by Joshua Thompson. Point MENLO 2-2
[Chase Direito] Service error. Point ARIZONA
[Nate Mayfield] Kill by Josh Sullivan (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 3-3
[Lucas Larson] Kill by Wesley Hunter (from Thomas Johannesen). Point ARIZONA
[Thomas Johannesen] Service error. Point MENLO 4-4
[Joshua Thompson] Kill by Nate Mayfield (from Thomas Johannesen). Point ARIZONA
[Wesley Hunter] Kill by Cade McGee (from Wesley Hunter). Point ARIZONA
[Wesley Hunter] Kill by Konrad Stoklosinski (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 6-5
[Christian Menchaca] Attack error by Cade McGee. Point MENLO 6-6
[Christian Menchaca] Kill by Konrad Stoklosinski (from Christian Menchaca). Point MENLO 6-7
[Christian Menchaca] Service error. Point ARIZONA
[Paul Dozeman] Kill by Chase Direito (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 7-8
[Josh Sullivan] Attack error by Chase Direito. Point ARIZONA
[Chris Beck] Kill by Konrad Stoklosinski (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 8-9
[Konrad Stoklosinski] Kill by Cade McGee (from Thomas Johannesen). Point ARIZONA
[Cade McGee] Service ace (Joshua Thompson). Point ARIZONA
[Cade McGee] Kill by Joshua Thompson (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 10-10
[Chase Direito] Service error. Point ARIZONA
[Nate Mayfield] Attack error by Joshua Thompson (block by Paul Dozeman; Thomas Johannesen). Point ARIZONA
[Nate Mayfield] Service ace (Team). Point ARIZONA
[Nate Mayfield] Service error. Point MENLO 13-11
[Lucas Larson] Attack error by Konrad Stoklosinski. Point ARIZONA
[Thomas Johannesen] Kill by Josh Sullivan (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 14-12
[Joshua Thompson] Kill by Chris Beck (from Thomas Johannesen). Point ARIZONA
[Wesley Hunter] Attack error by Dylan Cohan. Point ARIZONA
[Wesley Hunter] Attack error by Josh Sullivan (block by Cade McGee). Point ARIZONA
[Wesley Hunter] Kill by Konrad Stoklosinski (from Shea Filardo). Point MENLO 17-13
[Christian Menchaca] Attack error by Cade McGee (block by Josh Sullivan; Chase Direito). Point MENLO 17-14
[Christian Menchaca] Kill by Konrad Stoklosinski (from Shea Filardo). Point MENLO 17-15
[Christian Menchaca] Attack error by Josh Sullivan. Point ARIZONA
[Paul Dozeman] Attack error by Chris Beck. Point MENLO 18-16
[Josh Sullivan] Kill by Cade McGee (from Thomas Johannesen). Point ARIZONA
[Chris Beck] Kill by Cade McGee (from Thomas Johannesen). Point ARIZONA
[Chris Beck] Kill by Chase Direito (from Shea Filardo). Point MENLO 20-17
[Konrad Stoklosinski] Attack error by Cade McGee. Point MENLO 20-18
[Konrad Stoklosinski] Service error. Point ARIZONA
[Cade McGee] Attack error by Konrad Stoklosinski. Point ARIZONA
[Cade McGee] Kill by Chase Direito (from Shea Filardo). Point MENLO 22-19
[Chase Direito] Attack error by Nate Mayfield (block by Dylan Cohan; Shea Filardo). Point MENLO 22-20
[Chase Direito] Kill by Wesley Hunter (from Thomas Johannesen). Point ARIZONA
[Nate Mayfield] Attack error by Wesley Hunter (block by Dylan Cohan; Shea Filardo). Point MENLO 23-21
[Shea Filardo] Attack error by Wesley Hunter (block by Dylan Cohan; Josh Sullivan). Point MENLO 23-22
[Shea Filardo] Service error. Point ARIZONA
[Wesley Hunter] Attack error by Josh Sullivan. Point ARIZONA
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[Paul Dozeman] Kill by Konrad Stoklosinski (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 0-1
[Konrad Stoklosinski] Kill by Chase Direito. Point MENLO 0-2
[Konrad Stoklosinski] Kill by Chase Direito. Point MENLO 0-3
[Konrad Stoklosinski] Service ace (Team). Point MENLO 0-4
[Konrad Stoklosinski] Kill by Joshua Thompson (from Konrad Stoklosinski). Point MENLO 0-5
[Konrad Stoklosinski] Service ace (Cade McGee). Point MENLO 0-6
[Konrad Stoklosinski] Kill by Joshua Thompson. Point MENLO 0-7
[Konrad Stoklosinski] Kill by Chris Beck (from Thomas Johannesen). Point ARIZONA
[Chris Beck] Kill by Joshua Thompson (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 1-8
[Chase Direito] Bad set by Thomas Johannesen. Point MENLO 1-9
[Chase Direito] Service ace (Cade McGee). Point MENLO 1-10
[Chase Direito] Kill by Cade McGee (from Andrew Tigas). Point ARIZONA
[Cade McGee] Kill by Nate Mayfield (from Andrew Tigas). Point ARIZONA
[Cade McGee] Service ace (Konrad Stoklosinski). Point ARIZONA
[Cade McGee] Kill by Joshua Thompson (from Konrad Stoklosinski). Point MENLO 4-11
[Lucas Larson] Kill by Wesley Hunter (from Andrew Tigas). Point ARIZONA
[Nate Mayfield] Kill by Konrad Stoklosinski (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 5-12
[Makana Melchor] Attack error by Wesley Hunter (block by Dylan Cohan; Josh Sullivan). Point MENLO 5-13
[Makana Melchor] Kill by Paul Dozeman (from Tyler Kohner). Point ARIZONA
[Tyler Kohner] Kill by Josh Sullivan (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 6-14
[Christian Menchaca] Attack error by Chase Direito. Point ARIZONA
[Wesley Hunter] Kill by Chase Direito (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 7-15
[Josh Sullivan] Kill by Chase Direito (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 7-16
[Josh Sullivan] Kill by Cade McGee (from Tyler Kohner). Point ARIZONA
[Paul Dozeman] Service error. Point MENLO 8-17
[Konrad Stoklosinski] Kill by Cade McGee (from Chris Beck). Point ARIZONA
[Chris Beck] Service error. Point MENLO 9-18
[Chase Direito] Kill by Joshua Thompson. Point MENLO 9-19
[Chase Direito] Service error. Point ARIZONA
[Cade McGee] Service error. Point MENLO 10-20
[Lucas Larson] Kill by Josh Sullivan (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 10-21
[Lucas Larson] Kill by Nate Mayfield (from Tyler Kohner). Point ARIZONA
[Nate Mayfield] Kill by Josh Sullivan (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 11-22
[Makana Melchor] Kill by Paul Dozeman (from Tyler Kohner). Point ARIZONA
[Tyler Kohner] Service error. Point MENLO 12-23
[Christian Menchaca] Kill by Konrad Stoklosinski (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 12-24
[Christian Menchaca] Service ace (Hunter Morrison). Point MENLO 12-25
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[Konrad Stoklosinski] Attack error by Chris Beck. Point MENLO 0-1
[Konrad Stoklosinski] Service error. Point ARIZONA
[Chris Beck] Kill by Joshua Thompson (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 1-2
[Chase Direito] Service ace (Team). Point MENLO 1-3
[Chase Direito] Service error. Point ARIZONA
[Nate Mayfield] Service ace (Joshua Thompson). Point ARIZONA
[Nate Mayfield] Kill by Joshua Thompson (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 3-4
[Lucas Larson] Attack error by Paul Dozeman. Point MENLO 3-5
[Lucas Larson] Attack error by Wesley Hunter (block by Josh Sullivan; Gabriel Knittel). Point MENLO 3-6
[Lucas Larson] Attack error by Wesley Hunter (block by Josh Sullivan; Gabriel Knittel). Point MENLO 3-7
[Lucas Larson] Kill by Joshua Thompson (from Konrad Stoklosinski). Point MENLO 3-8
[Lucas Larson] Service error. Point ARIZONA
[Tyler Kohner] Attack error by Joshua Thompson. Point ARIZONA
[Tyler Kohner] Attack error by Gabriel Knittel (block by Chris Beck; Paul Dozeman). Point ARIZONA
[Tyler Kohner] Service error. Point MENLO 6-9
[Makana Melchor] Kill by Paul Dozeman (from Tyler Kohner). Point ARIZONA
[Hunter Morrison] Service error. Point MENLO 7-10
[Christian Menchaca] Attack error by Chris Beck. Point MENLO 7-11
[Christian Menchaca] Kill by Cade McGee (from Tyler Kohner). Point ARIZONA
[Paul Dozeman] Attack error by Konrad Stoklosinski (block by Chris Beck; Nate Mayfield). Point ARIZONA
[Paul Dozeman] Kill by Konrad Stoklosinski (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 9-12
[Josh Sullivan] Bad set by Tyler Kohner. Point MENLO 9-13
[Josh Sullivan] Kill by Cade McGee (from Tyler Kohner). Point ARIZONA
[Chris Beck] Attack error by Wesley Hunter. Point MENLO 10-14
[Konrad Stoklosinski] Service error. Point ARIZONA
[Cade McGee] Kill by Lucas Larson (from Joshua Thompson). Point MENLO 11-15
[Chase Direito] Kill by Nate Mayfield (from Tyler Kohner). Point ARIZONA
[Nate Mayfield] Attack error by Wesley Hunter (block by Lucas Larson; Gabriel Knittel). Point MENLO 12-16
[Lucas Larson] Attack error by Lucas Larson. Point ARIZONA
[Tyler Kohner] Kill by Josh Sullivan (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 13-17
[Makana Melchor] Attack error by Josh Sullivan (block by Chris Beck; Paul Dozeman). Point ARIZONA
[Wesley Hunter] Kill by Konrad Stoklosinski (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 14-18
[Christian Menchaca] Kill by Cade McGee (from Tyler Kohner). Point ARIZONA
[Paul Dozeman] Kill by Chase Direito (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 15-19
[Josh Sullivan] Attack error by Andrew Tigas. Point MENLO 15-20
[Josh Sullivan] Attack error by Chris Beck (block by Konrad Stoklosinski; Chase Direito). Point MENLO 15-21
[Josh Sullivan] Kill by Cade McGee (from Tyler Kohner). Point ARIZONA
[Chris Beck] Kill by Nate Mayfield. Point ARIZONA
[Chris Beck] Kill by Wesley Hunter (from Tyler Kohner). Point ARIZONA
[Chris Beck] Kill by Konrad Stoklosinski (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 18-22
[Konrad Stoklosinski] Kill by Cade McGee (from Tyler Kohner). Point ARIZONA
[Cade McGee] Attack error by Wesley Hunter. Point MENLO 19-23
[Chase Direito] Attack error by Nate Mayfield. Point MENLO 19-24
[Chase Direito] Service ace (Team). Point MENLO 19-25
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[Andrew Tigas] Kill by Konrad Stoklosinski (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 0-1
[Konrad Stoklosinski] Kill by Cade McGee (from Tyler Kohner). Point ARIZONA
[Nate Mayfield] Kill by Chase Direito (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 1-2
[Chase Direito] Service ace (Team). Point MENLO 1-3
[Chase Direito] Service error. Point ARIZONA
[Cade McGee] Attack error by Nate Mayfield. Point MENLO 2-4
[Lucas Larson] Bad set by Tyler Kohner. Point MENLO 2-5
[Lucas Larson] Kill by Gabriel Knittel (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 2-6
[Lucas Larson] Kill by Paul Dozeman (from Tyler Kohner). Point ARIZONA
[Paul Dozeman] Kill by Josh Sullivan (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 3-7
[Makana Melchor] Kill by Konrad Stoklosinski (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 3-8
[Makana Melchor] Service error. Point ARIZONA
[Tyler Kohner] Kill by Josh Sullivan (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 4-9
[Christian Menchaca] Service ace (Team). Point MENLO 4-10
[Christian Menchaca] Service ace (Team). Point MENLO 4-11
[Christian Menchaca] Kill by Nate Mayfield (from Tyler Kohner). Point ARIZONA
[Hunter Morrison] Attack error by Konrad Stoklosinski. Point ARIZONA
[Hunter Morrison] Kill by Chase Direito (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 6-12
[Josh Sullivan] Kill by Cade McGee (from Tyler Kohner). Point ARIZONA
[Andrew Tigas] Kill by Konrad Stoklosinski (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 7-13
[Konrad Stoklosinski] Attack error by Joshua Thompson. Point ARIZONA
[Nate Mayfield] Kill by Joshua Thompson (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 8-14
[Chase Direito] Kill by Cade McGee (from Tyler Kohner). Point ARIZONA
[Cade McGee] Attack error by Josh Sullivan. Point ARIZONA
[Cade McGee] Kill by Konrad Stoklosinski (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 10-15
[Lucas Larson] Kill by Cade McGee (from Tyler Kohner). Point ARIZONA
[Paul Dozeman] Attack error by Wesley Hunter. Point MENLO 11-16
[Makana Melchor] Kill by Nate Mayfield (from Tyler Kohner). Point ARIZONA
[Tyler Kohner] Attack error by Konrad Stoklosinski (block by Korbin Torres; Nate Mayfield). Point ARIZONA
[Tyler Kohner] Kill by Konrad Stoklosinski (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 13-17
[Christian Menchaca] Attack error by Nate Mayfield (block by Josh Sullivan; Chase Direito). Point MENLO 13-18
[Christian Menchaca] Service error. Point ARIZONA
[Wesley Hunter] Kill by Konrad Stoklosinski (from Christian Menchaca). Point MENLO 14-19
[Josh Sullivan] Kill by Chase Direito (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 14-20
[Josh Sullivan] Kill by Cade McGee (from Tyler Kohner). Point ARIZONA
[Andrew Tigas] Attack error by Konrad Stoklosinski. Point ARIZONA
[Andrew Tigas] Kill by Konrad Stoklosinski (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 16-21
[Konrad Stoklosinski] Service ace (Wesley Hunter). Point MENLO 16-22
[Konrad Stoklosinski] Kill by Cade McGee (from Tyler Kohner). Point ARIZONA
[Nate Mayfield] Service error. Point MENLO 17-23
[Chase Direito] Attack error by Chase Direito. Point ARIZONA
[Cade McGee] Attack error by Joshua Thompson. Point ARIZONA
[Cade McGee] Service error. Point MENLO 19-24
[Lucas Larson] Kill by Cade McGee (from Tyler Kohner). Point ARIZONA
[Paul Dozeman] Kill by Gabriel Knittel (from Lucas Larson). Point MENLO 20-25
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