UC Merced at CSUN
@ Northridge, CA (The Matadome)
2/4/2022 at 7:02 pm

Final 1 2 3 4 Score
CSUN (2-1,0-0 Big West) 25 25 21 25 3
UC Merced (1-1) 9 15 25 18 1
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd  |  4th
UCM -- 1st -- CSUN
  M-101 starters: Luke, Krzmarzick; Kyle, Hobus; Griffin, Walters; Olumide, Allen; Jano, Tello; Donovan, Constable.  
  M-506371 starters: Ryan, Steele; Trevor, Jurlina; Colin, Ryan; Lincoln, Smith; Lance, Nua; Chris, Morikawa.  
[Nua, Lance] Kill by Hobus, Kyle (from Cook, Taylan). Point CSUN 9-26
10-26 [Allen, Olumide] Kill by Jurlina, Trevor (from Steele, Ryan). Point UCM
[Morikawa, Chris] Kill by Tello, Jano (from Constable, Donovan). Point CSUN 10-27
11-27 [Krzmarzick, Luke] Kill by Smith, Lincoln (from Steele, Ryan). Point UCM
[Smith, Lincoln] Kill by Tello, Jano (from Constable, Donovan). Point CSUN 11-28
[Hobus, Kyle] Attack error by Ryan, Colin (block by Tello, Jano). Point CSUN 11-29
[Hobus, Kyle] Service ace (Nua, Lance). Point CSUN 11-30
12-30 [Hobus, Kyle] Attack error by Tello, Jano (from Constable, Donovan). Point UCM
[Jurlina, Trevor] Kill by Walters, Griffin (from Constable, Donovan). Point CSUN 12-31
[Tello, Jano] Kill by Walters, Griffin. Point CSUN 12-32
[Tello, Jano] Kill by Walters, Griffin (from Constable, Donovan). Point CSUN 12-33
13-33 [Tello, Jano] Kill by Nua, Lance (from Steele, Ryan). Point UCM
[Steele, Ryan] Kill by Krzmarzick, Luke (from Constable, Donovan). Point CSUN 13-34
[Constable, Donovan] Service ace (Team). Point CSUN 13-35
14-35 [Constable, Donovan] Service error. Point UCM
[Ryan, Colin] Kill by Allen, Olumide (from Cook, Taylan). Point CSUN 14-36
[Walters, Griffin] Attack error by Nua, Lance (from Steele, Ryan). Point CSUN 14-37
[Walters, Griffin] Service ace (Jurlina, Trevor). Point CSUN 14-38
15-38 [Walters, Griffin] Kill by Nua, Lance (from Steele, Ryan). Point UCM
[Nua, Lance] Kill by Allen, Olumide (from Constable, Donovan). Point CSUN 15-39
[Allen, Olumide] Kill by Krzmarzick, Luke (from Constable, Donovan). Point CSUN 15-40
16-40 [Allen, Olumide] Kill by Jurlina, Trevor (from Steele, Ryan). Point UCM
[Morikawa, Chris] Service error. Point CSUN 16-41
17-41 [Krzmarzick, Luke] Service error. Point UCM
[Smith, Lincoln] Service error. Point CSUN 17-42
[Hobus, Kyle] Attack error by Jurlina, Trevor (from Steele, Ryan). Point CSUN 17-43
[Hobus, Kyle] Kill by Hobus, Kyle (from Constable, Donovan). Point CSUN 17-44
[Hobus, Kyle] Attack error by Morikawa, Chris (from Steele, Ryan). Point CSUN 17-45
[Hobus, Kyle] Attack error by Jurlina, Trevor (from Steele, Ryan). Point CSUN 17-46
[Hobus, Kyle] Service ace (Nua, Lance). Point CSUN 17-47
18-47 [Hobus, Kyle] Attack error by Walters, Griffin (block by Steele, Ryan; Ryan, Colin). Point UCM
  UCM subs: Ferguson, Kainoa.  
[Ferguson, Kainoa] Kill by Walters, Griffin (from Constable, Donovan). Point CSUN 18-48
[Tello, Jano] Kill by Allen, Olumide (from Constable, Donovan). Point CSUN 18-49
[Tello, Jano] Kill by Constable, Donovan (from Steele, Ryan). Point CSUN 18-50
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UCM -- 2nd -- CSUN
  M-101 starters: Luke, Krzmarzick; Kyle, Hobus; Griffin, Walters; Olumide, Allen; Jano, Tello; Donovan, Constable; Joe, Picone; Taylan, Cook.  
  M-506371 starters: Ryan, Steele; Trevor, Jurlina; Colin, Ryan; Lincoln, Smith; Lance, Nua; Chris, Morikawa; Christopher, Vang; Zach, Brill; Kainoa, Ferguson.  
  UCM subs: Ferguson, Kainoa.  
[Walters, Griffin] Attack error by Morikawa, Chris (block by Hobus, Kyle; Allen, Olumide). Point CSUN 15-26
[Walters, Griffin] Attack error by Morikawa, Chris (from Steele, Ryan). Point CSUN 15-27
[Walters, Griffin] Attack error by Morikawa, Chris (block by Krzmarzick, Luke; Hobus, Kyle; Allen, Olumide). Point CSUN 15-28
16-28 [Walters, Griffin] Kill by Ryan, Colin (from Steele, Ryan). Point UCM
17-28 [Morikawa, Chris] Kill by Steele, Ryan. Point UCM
[Morikawa, Chris] Service error. Point CSUN 17-29
[Allen, Olumide] Attack error by Nua, Lance (block by Krzmarzick, Luke; Hobus, Kyle; Tello, Jano). Point CSUN 17-30
[Allen, Olumide] Kill by Krzmarzick, Luke. Point CSUN 17-31
18-31 [Allen, Olumide] Attack error by Hobus, Kyle (from Allen, Olumide). Point UCM
[Nua, Lance] Service error. Point CSUN 18-32
19-32 [Krzmarzick, Luke] Kill by Nua, Lance (from Steele, Ryan). Point UCM
[Ryan, Colin] Service error. Point CSUN 19-33
[Hobus, Kyle] Attack error by Steele, Ryan. Point CSUN 19-34
20-34 [Hobus, Kyle] Kill by Jurlina, Trevor (from Steele, Ryan). Point UCM
21-34 [Steele, Ryan] Service ace (Team). Point UCM
[Steele, Ryan] Kill by Hobus, Kyle (from Constable, Donovan). Point CSUN 21-35
[Tello, Jano] Attack error by Jurlina, Trevor (from Steele, Ryan). Point CSUN 21-36
[Tello, Jano] Kill by Walters, Griffin (from Constable, Donovan). Point CSUN 21-37
22-37 [Tello, Jano] Service error. Point UCM
  UCM subs: Ferguson, Kainoa.  
[Ferguson, Kainoa] Service error. Point CSUN 22-38
[Constable, Donovan] Kill by Allen, Olumide (from Constable, Donovan). Point CSUN 22-39
23-39 [Constable, Donovan] Service error. Point UCM
24-39 [Smith, Lincoln] Attack error by Krzmarzick, Luke (from Constable, Donovan). Point UCM
[Smith, Lincoln] Service error. Point CSUN 24-40
25-40 [Walters, Griffin] Service error. Point UCM
[Morikawa, Chris] Kill by Walters, Griffin (from Constable, Donovan). Point CSUN 25-41
[Allen, Olumide] Kill by Hobus, Kyle (from Constable, Donovan). Point CSUN 25-42
26-42 [Allen, Olumide] Service error. Point UCM
[Nua, Lance] Kill by Krzmarzick, Luke (from Constable, Donovan). Point CSUN 26-43
27-43 [Krzmarzick, Luke] Attack error by Krzmarzick, Luke (from Constable, Donovan). Point UCM
[Morikawa, Chris] Kill by Walters, Griffin (from Constable, Donovan). Point CSUN 27-44
28-44 [Hobus, Kyle] Service error. Point UCM
29-44 [Steele, Ryan] Service ace (Cook, Taylan). Point UCM
[Steele, Ryan] Service error. Point CSUN 29-45
[Tello, Jano] Attack error by Smith, Lincoln (from Steele, Ryan). Point CSUN 29-46
30-46 [Tello, Jano] Kill by Jurlina, Trevor (from Steele, Ryan). Point UCM
[Jurlina, Trevor] Service error. Point CSUN 30-47
[Constable, Donovan] Service ace (Team). Point CSUN 30-48
[Constable, Donovan] Attack error by Morikawa, Chris (from Steele, Ryan). Point CSUN 30-49
[Constable, Donovan] Kill by Hobus, Kyle (from Cook, Taylan). Point CSUN 30-50
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UCM -- 3rd -- CSUN
  M-101 starters: Luke, Krzmarzick; Kyle, Hobus; Griffin, Walters; Olumide, Allen; Jano, Tello; Donovan, Constable; Joe, Picone; Taylan, Cook.  
  M-506371 starters: Ryan, Steele; Trevor, Jurlina; Colin, Ryan; Lincoln, Smith; Lance, Nua; Chris, Morikawa; Christopher, Vang; Zach, Brill; Kainoa, Ferguson.  
  CSUN subs: Krzmarzick, Luke; Hobus, Kyle; Cook, Taylan.  
  UCM subs: Ferguson, Kainoa; Jurlina, Trevor; Smith, Lincoln; Nua, Lance.  
  CSUN subs: Bertozzi, Lorenzo; Merchen, Kyle; DeWeese, Ryan.  
  UCM subs: Kilgore, Ryan; Soma, Kaikoa; Taylor, Brennan.  
[Taylor, Brennan] Kill by Allen, Olumide (from Merchen, Kyle). Point CSUN 25-22
26-22 [Allen, Olumide] Attack error by Bertozzi, Lorenzo (from Allen, Olumide). Point UCM
27-22 [Morikawa, Chris] Service ace (Picone, Joe). Point UCM
28-22 [Morikawa, Chris] Kill by Soma, Kaikoa (from Steele, Ryan). Point UCM
29-22 [Morikawa, Chris] Kill by Soma, Kaikoa (from Steele, Ryan). Point UCM
30-22 [Morikawa, Chris] Kill by Steele, Ryan. Point UCM
[Morikawa, Chris] Kill by Tello, Jano (from Merchen, Kyle). Point CSUN 30-23
[DeWeese, Ryan] Service ace (Kilgore, Ryan). Point CSUN 30-24
31-24 [DeWeese, Ryan] Kill by Morikawa, Chris (from Steele, Ryan). Point UCM
32-24 [Soma, Kaikoa] Attack error by Bertozzi, Lorenzo (from Merchen, Kyle). Point UCM
33-24 [Soma, Kaikoa] Kill by Ryan, Colin. Point UCM
[Soma, Kaikoa] Service error. Point CSUN 33-25
34-25 [Bertozzi, Lorenzo] Kill by Morikawa, Chris (from Steele, Ryan). Point UCM
  UCM subs: Moreno, Sebas.  
[Moreno, Sebas] Service error. Point CSUN 34-26
[Tello, Jano] Attack error by Kilgore, Ryan (from Steele, Ryan). Point CSUN 34-27
35-27 [Tello, Jano] Kill by Kilgore, Ryan (from Steele, Ryan). Point UCM
[Steele, Ryan] Kill by Walters, Griffin (from Merchen, Kyle). Point CSUN 35-28
[Merchen, Kyle] Attack error by Taylor, Brennan (from Steele, Ryan). Point CSUN 35-29
[Merchen, Kyle] Kill by Allen, Olumide. Point CSUN 35-30
36-30 [Merchen, Kyle] Attack error by Walters, Griffin (block by Kilgore, Ryan). Point UCM
[Kilgore, Ryan] Kill by Allen, Olumide (from Merchen, Kyle). Point CSUN 36-31
37-31 [Walters, Griffin] Kill by Morikawa, Chris (from Steele, Ryan). Point UCM
38-31 [Taylor, Brennan] Attack error by Bertozzi, Lorenzo (from Merchen, Kyle). Point UCM
  CSUN subs: Bustamante, Inaki.  
[Taylor, Brennan] Kill by Walters, Griffin (from Merchen, Kyle). Point CSUN 38-32
39-32 [Allen, Olumide] Kill by Ryan, Colin (from Steele, Ryan). Point UCM
[Morikawa, Chris] Service error. Point CSUN 39-33
40-33 [DeWeese, Ryan] Kill by Morikawa, Chris (from Steele, Ryan). Point UCM
41-33 [Soma, Kaikoa] Attack error by DeWeese, Ryan (from Merchen, Kyle). Point UCM
[Soma, Kaikoa] Service error. Point CSUN 41-34
[Bustamante, Inaki] Attack error by Ryan, Colin (from Steele, Ryan). Point CSUN 41-35
42-35 [Bustamante, Inaki] Service error. Point UCM
[Ryan, Colin] Kill by Walters, Griffin (from Merchen, Kyle). Point CSUN 42-36
43-36 [Tello, Jano] Service error. Point UCM
44-36 [Steele, Ryan] Bad set by Picone, Joe. Point UCM
45-36 [Steele, Ryan] Kill by Kilgore, Ryan (from Steele, Ryan). Point UCM
46-36 [Steele, Ryan] Kill by Kilgore, Ryan. Point UCM
47-36 [Steele, Ryan] Service ace (Team). Point UCM
[Steele, Ryan] Service error. Point CSUN 47-37
48-37 [Merchen, Kyle] Kill by Morikawa, Chris (from Brill, Zach). Point UCM
[Kilgore, Ryan] Kill by Walters, Griffin (from Merchen, Kyle). Point CSUN 48-38
[Walters, Griffin] Kill by Walters, Griffin (from Merchen, Kyle). Point CSUN 48-39
[Walters, Griffin] Kill by Bustamante, Inaki (from Picone, Joe). Point CSUN 48-40
[Walters, Griffin] Service ace (Kilgore, Ryan). Point CSUN 48-41
  UCM subs: Ferguson, Kainoa.  
49-41 [Walters, Griffin] Service error. Point UCM
[Ferguson, Kainoa] Attack error by Ryan, Colin (from Steele, Ryan). Point CSUN 49-42
50-42 [Allen, Olumide] Kill by Soma, Kaikoa (from Steele, Ryan). Point UCM
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UCM -- 4th -- CSUN
  CSUN subs: Bertozzi, Lorenzo; Merchen, Kyle; DeWeese, Ryan; Bustamante, Inaki.  
  UCM subs: Ferguson, Kainoa.  
  CSUN subs: Krzmarzick, Luke.  
  M-101 starters: Griffin, Walters; Olumide, Allen; Jano, Tello; Donovan, Constable; Joe, Picone; Lorenzo, Bertozzi; Kyle, Merchen; Ryan, DeWeese; Inaki, Bustamante.  
  M-506371 starters: Ryan, Steele; Colin, Ryan; Chris, Morikawa; Christopher, Vang; Zach, Brill; Ryan, Kilgore; Kaikoa, Soma; Brennan, Taylor; Sebas, Moreno; Kainoa, Ferguson.  
  UCM subs: Moreno, Sebas.  
  CSUN subs: Hobus, Kyle; Cook, Taylan.  
19-25 [Walters, Griffin] Kill by Morikawa, Chris (from Steele, Ryan). Point UCM
20-25 [Morikawa, Chris] Kill by Ryan, Colin (from Steele, Ryan). Point UCM
[Morikawa, Chris] Kill by Walters, Griffin (from Constable, Donovan). Point CSUN 20-26
[Allen, Olumide] Attack error by Morikawa, Chris (from Steele, Ryan). Point CSUN 20-27
[Allen, Olumide] Kill by Constable, Donovan (from Hobus, Kyle). Point CSUN 20-28
[Allen, Olumide] Attack error by Soma, Kaikoa (from Steele, Ryan). Point CSUN 20-29
21-29 [Allen, Olumide] Kill by Soma, Kaikoa (from Steele, Ryan). Point UCM
[Soma, Kaikoa] Kill by Krzmarzick, Luke (from Constable, Donovan). Point CSUN 21-30
[Krzmarzick, Luke] Kill by Tello, Jano. Point CSUN 21-31
22-31 [Krzmarzick, Luke] Service error. Point UCM
  UCM subs: Moreno, Sebas.  
[Moreno, Sebas] Kill by Tello, Jano (from Constable, Donovan). Point CSUN 22-32
[Hobus, Kyle] Service ace (Soma, Kaikoa). Point CSUN 22-33
[Hobus, Kyle] Kill by Walters, Griffin. Point CSUN 22-34
23-34 [Hobus, Kyle] Service error. Point UCM
24-34 [Steele, Ryan] Attack error by Krzmarzick, Luke (block by Kilgore, Ryan). Point UCM
[Steele, Ryan] Service error. Point CSUN 24-35
[Tello, Jano] Attack error by Morikawa, Chris (from Brill, Zach). Point CSUN 24-36
25-36 [Tello, Jano] Service error. Point UCM
[Kilgore, Ryan] Kill by Krzmarzick, Luke (from Constable, Donovan). Point CSUN 25-37
26-37 [Constable, Donovan] Kill by Morikawa, Chris (from Steele, Ryan). Point UCM
[Taylor, Brennan] Kill by Krzmarzick, Luke. Point CSUN 26-38
[Walters, Griffin] Attack error by Ryan, Colin (from Steele, Ryan). Point CSUN 26-39
27-39 [Walters, Griffin] Kill by Morikawa, Chris (from Steele, Ryan). Point UCM
[Morikawa, Chris] Kill by Krzmarzick, Luke (from Hobus, Kyle). Point CSUN 27-40
[Allen, Olumide] Service ace (Brill, Zach). Point CSUN 27-41
28-41 [Allen, Olumide] Service error. Point UCM
29-41 [Soma, Kaikoa] Bad set by Constable, Donovan. Point UCM
[Soma, Kaikoa] Kill by Krzmarzick, Luke (from Constable, Donovan). Point CSUN 29-42
30-42 [Krzmarzick, Luke] Kill by Morikawa, Chris (from Steele, Ryan). Point UCM
[Ryan, Colin] Service error. Point CSUN 30-43
31-43 [Hobus, Kyle] Attack error by Tello, Jano (block by Taylor, Brennan; Kilgore, Ryan). Point UCM
32-43 [Steele, Ryan] Attack error by Walters, Griffin (from Constable, Donovan). Point UCM
[Steele, Ryan] Service error. Point CSUN 32-44
  CSUN subs: DeWeese, Ryan.  
[DeWeese, Ryan] Attack error by Kilgore, Ryan (block by Allen, Olumide; Walters, Griffin). Point CSUN 32-45
33-45 [DeWeese, Ryan] Service error. Point UCM
  UCM subs: Ferguson, Kainoa.  
[Ferguson, Kainoa] Service error. Point CSUN 33-46
34-46 [Constable, Donovan] Kill by Morikawa, Chris (from Steele, Ryan). Point UCM
35-46 [Taylor, Brennan] Attack error by Hobus, Kyle (from Constable, Donovan). Point UCM
[Taylor, Brennan] Attack error by Morikawa, Chris (block by Allen, Olumide). Point CSUN 35-47
[Walters, Griffin] Service ace (Ferguson, Kainoa). Point CSUN 35-48
36-48 [Walters, Griffin] Service error. Point UCM
[Morikawa, Chris] Kill by Krzmarzick, Luke (from Constable, Donovan). Point CSUN 36-49
[Allen, Olumide] Attack error by Ryan, Colin (block by Krzmarzick, Luke). Point CSUN 36-50
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