Five Core Values

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Five Core Values


Core Values

The Champions of Character® five core values go well beyond the playing field to the daily decisions of our youth. These character values help young people – and those associated with their development – make good choices in all aspects of their life and reflect the true spirit of competition.

Click each of the core values below to learn more.

star 1 Integrity / Know and do what is right

BE COMMITTED: Set high standards for your behavior and stick to them even in difficult situations.
BE COURAGEOUS: Stand up for what you believe is just and good.
BE HONEST: Choose words and actions that are sincere, not misleading.
BE DISCIPLINED: Remain dedicated and self-controlled, even when challenged.
BE RESILIENT: Learn from mistakes and losses; seize the opportunity to improve.

star 2 Respect / Treating others the way you want to be treated

BE ACCEPTING: Support everyone's worth and dignity, regardless of background, abilities or beliefs.
BE CONSIDERATE: Always be aware of and honor others' rights and feelings.
BE ATTENTIVE: Be ready to learn from coaches, officials and other contestants.
BE ENCOURAGING: Demonstrate concern for the growth and development of all others.
BE APPRECIATIVE: Value the guidance of supportive adult and student leaders.

star 3 Responsibility / Embrace opportunities to contribute

BE HELPFUL: Understand and advance the group's positive goals.
BE CONSCIENTIOUS: Be aware and careful of the choices you make.
BE ACCOUNTABLE: Accept that your actions impact everyone around you.
BE PERSEVERING: Work through difficulty and discouragement in pursuit of individual and team objectives.
BE RELIABLE: Prove that others can depend on you.

star 4 Sportsmanship / Bring your best to all competition

BE COOPERATIVE: Join teammates, opponents, coaches and officials in mutual quest for excellence.
BE FAIR: Compete skillfully, guided by the letter and spirit of the rules.
BE GRACIOUS: Savor the challenge of a tough competitor and meet it with your finest performance, win or lose.
BE HONORABLE: Respect the game and everyone's contributions.
BE HUMBLE: Take success instride - share the credit.

star 5 Servant Leadership / Serve the common good

BE EMPOWERING: Inspire and help others to grow, succeed and lead.
BE VISIONARY: Raise expectations for yourself and the team.
BE INTERCONNECTED: Recognize the vital link between individual effort and group achievement.
BE GENEROUS: Freely contribute hard work and support to reach the team's goals.
BE ENERGETIC: Initiate action - do what needs to be done.